Sunday, November 15, 2009

Planner Survey Results 2009

Timely survey. Interesting how the plannersphere was hit by the recession/slowdown.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snowblog and adventure in Magazine Land

Got back from an unusually long hiatus. Refreshing at least. Already feeling my fingers creaking from not having to type for too long. But dissertation is coming.

Jon Snow, Channel 4 News' anchor, has launched a new blog, as he is about to cover Barack Obama's historic inauguration. 

Already today - the first day - he officially blogged we were treated with five entries - one being his rubbing shoulders with celebrities in a false fire evacuation at the Hyatt Regency, where he also bumped in Spike Lee. 

Having been a novice journalist in a cash-strapped national newspaper, I have always wondered how reporters - especially those broadcasters - from the big league work and live. And Snow's blog offers a glimpse of just that. He's got a sizable expense account, I am sure. 

This also brought me to a new find in Magazine Land - Bad Idea. Founded by a few Brit journalists who went to Berkeley J-School, Bad Idea, "Granta for the Myspace generation", is a breath of fresh air to my reading list (which now sadly consisted mostly of academic journal articles). Too bad it was buried on the same shelf among trade publication like Broadcast, Campaign and the like.