Friday, November 21, 2008

New level of illusion

Awesome technique taken to the next level. The Beastie Boys did it too remember? 

And who dare not mention the famous Matrix kick? Here in the glorious deconstructed Lego rendition.

The moving pictures are magic, innit?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The New FT Website - Finally!

The FT has done quite a lot recently revamping and consolidating their digital operation. I rather like the new Guardian-ish look just because it is cleaner and much easier to read and navigate. I thought it is a much better design than WSJ. Although this is really small detail - but I like how they still keep the pink colour - a nice reminder of its print presence. 

With 800,000 registered readers, the FT has been rather bold too in introducing the FT Alphaville Long Room, a forum for pundits to interact. Perhaps this is the new stage of financial journalism - the news sources themselves stepping into the pit? 

Just hope that Murdoch keeps his hands away from FT.